We are on track!
Today I rather not bore you with the technical learning curve I was going through this week, just let me tell you this: After hours spent on watching online tutorials, it was very rewarding to figure out how to get the first episodes on iTunes and other podcast directories. We are on track, and the launch date is drawing closer.
Enough with these boring technicalities when there are so much more exciting things to share.
Like this:
What happens when 10-year-olds meet changemakers with a mission to impact the world for the better?
You groom the next generation of Agents of Change, of course.
At last week’s Agents of Change Conference by run ESF in Hong Kong organisations like Unicef, World Vision and Feeding Hong Kong shared their contributions to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals laid out by the United Nations. There were more than 20 schools participating. The sight of a gym hall filled with inspired young changemakers was breathtaking.

Agents of Change Conference 2017
#impact Podcast was invited to volunteer at the workshop run by Gyneth Tan from Clean the World Asia. Thank you so much for having me Gyneth, it was an honor and privilege!
Clean the World is a social enterprise with the mission of saving millions of lives around the world. The team at Clean the World leads a Global Hygiene Revolution to distribute recycled soap and hygiene products to children and families in countries with a high death rate due to pneumonia and diarrheal diseases.
So there I was, taking part in the workshop, and already tearing up 5 minutes into the presentation when Gyneth shared an experiment run in India by one of their cooperation partners.
The kids participating in the workshop were amazing. They took notes, they were attentive and curious and asked just the right questions. Like that one girl who raised her hand during the last workshop of the day and said “How can we help your organisation? What can we do?” It reminded me of the young social entrepreneurs in the making I met last year.
Clean the World Asia will come on this show in the upcoming weeks, and I can’t wait to share their story with you.
Have a lovely weekend.