
Posts tagged with: podcast

“If you want to see change, sometimes you have to be the one to take that first step to do it, because if you truly believe in it, you will...
“Privilege is something you have to use in order to make the world better because you have that access. It’s really more of a shame if you don’t use that...
Happy International Women’s Day 2019! To honour this special day we want to take you to one of the most inspirational events that we went to this past year, the...
Only this March on the #impact S4 Members Podcast: Vulnerable stories about trying to find balance, courage and confidence as a woman – inspired by a note Regina wrote when...
At #impact we are dedicated to getting even more voices heard. You can find us all across the city tracking down changemakers to look up to. So over to you: Why do you care about your cause and why should others do too? ...
Listen in when we reconnect with Jeff Rotmeyer, Founder and CEO of ImpactHK, a Hong Kong-based registered NGO that is transforming the lives of the homeless. Jeff started ImpactHK because...
In Season 4 we celebrate courageous founders that have set out to make an impact with their purpose-driven social impact and sustainability initiatives.  In this Episode 0, you hear from the...
Get your headphones ready! Because we are gearing up for #impact Season 4 Launch where we will revisit the most courageous founders in town that set out to make our...
Happy New Year to all you wonderful people out there! And just like that – it’s 2019! Can you believe it? We are so excited about what is ahead for...
This is our early Christmas gift to you this year. Hear from an incredible woman who brings so much light, passion and sight into the world – not just for...