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A red sofa. A majestic hall with high ceilings and red golden wallpaper. And a question.
What would you need to make more impact?
Follow #impact host Regina Larko to the 4th Entrepreneurship Night at the University of Vienna.

When the participants of the 4th Entrepreneurship Night at University of Vienna sat down with Regina on that red sofa they did not know what she would ask them. They had no time to prepare or to think, they spoke, from the heart.
You can tell that they all care about finding ways to grow their impact. We received a beautiful and diverse kaleidoscope of answers that encourage all of us to pause for a second and reflect on how we would reply.
When you can find a moment to pause and reflect in the midst of a buzzing event that gave space to so many conversations and inspiration to be found, you know you did something right.Â

That red #impact interview sofa moment was just one of the many moments full of meaning that allowed participants to connect. This Entrepreneurship night saw speed networking, panel discussions, tons of impact entrepreneurs presenting their initiatives.
Collaborations for more impact

It does take a village, having a shared vision and finding collaboration partners to grow your impact – its something that is so incredibly important.
Regina saw this happening right in front of that red sofa where she was busy recording . Connections were made, contacts exchanged, first touchpoints that can lead into more.
With each answer captured Regina felt more encouraged. Because lets be frank, it can feel daunting and overwhelming to set out to make an impact in today’s world. It takes courage. It takes a commitment to make mistakes and fail along the way.
Being surrounded by all these individuals, it’s energising. You will feel it too as you listen in.

There’s just something about being physically in a place with others that are committed to finding their place and make a mark in this space. Maybe because we all have gotten so used to connecting online during the covid years, sitting right there with them on that red sofa, it inspired me so much. It also made me reflect on how I can make more impact with this podcast.
Start listening to hear numerous courageous voices and how they are setting out to make an impact.

A special thanks to Ruth Gabler-Schachermayr who brought Regina in for this very special live recording at Regina’s Alma Mater University of Vienna and to Amel Derragui who made this connection in the first place.
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Resources & Links mentioned
Connect with the Alumni organization of University of Vienna here:

- University of Vienna https://www.univie.ac.at
- Alumni at University of Vienna https://alumni.ac.at/
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/alumni-uniwien/
- https://www.instagram.com/alumni.uniwien/
More information about the 4th Entrepreneurship Night at University of Vienna here.
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