#impact Podcast is a true labour of love. Here are some of our proudest moments that remind us that we’ve come a long way already. Those moments give us the energy to keep going.

Things we are proud of.

  • Making it into Apple Podcasts New and Noteworthy! That’s HUGE for every Podcast, especially an independent production like ours that is not part of any big network.
  • Making it into the Apple Top 10 charts (HK/career) – we are planning to be here to stay 🙂
  • Encouraging Green Queen, Hong Kong’s prime address for all things green and healthy living, to launch A Zero Waste Journey Podcast
  • Getting our very first sponsor on board for Season 3 – Thank you Retykle– forever grateful for your support and believing in us!
  • Receiving Clean the World Asia’s support as we aired Season 3 + 4! They keep inspiring us with their mission to protect the environment and save millions of lives by leading a global hygiene revolution every single day!
  • Being contacted by Highschool students and invited us to share our vision with them and their classmates.
  • When Regina got to share her idea “The magic of listening” on a TEDx stage! Regina’s talk even got turned into a TED-Ed lesson! Ted-Ed is an award-winning education platform that serves millions of teachers and students around the world.
  • A listener reaching out to us after the episode on Encouraging women and girls into team sports had just been aired for 2 hours and wanted to find out how she could get involved with the organisation that was featured.

#impact Club coming soon
  • Bringing in co-hosts recording for #impact all over the globe, sharing stories from Cambodia, Germany and South Korea. There’s more to come in #impact Season 5 that highlights Sustainable Development Goals with our co-hosts and producers based in Hong Kong, Sydney, Berlin, New York and Honolulu.
KELY SUPPORT GROUP - The making of

  • Most importantly, seeing the resilience of all the purpose-driven organsiations (Non-profits, charities, social enterprises) we had the privilege to feature over the last few years, as they continue to drive change no matter what challenge they face.

We’d love to encourage all of you today to take a moment and think of at least 5 things you are proud of achieving with your work recently.

Just take a few minutes to acknowledge these milestones along the way. Sometimes we get too busy with our day to day stuff that we forget (We sure do!) that every little step is a step forward on our journey to make a difference in this world.

So reward yourself with taking a moment today and do just that. Celebrate yourself. Write these 5 things down. Read them out loud. You’ve made it this far and there are many more exciting things ahead.