#impact Podcast…
…beats the drum for inspiring changemakers working in social impact and sustainability by getting their voice heard. #impact Podcast tirelessly cheers on its guests and empowers its listeners to start making their own impact too.

Regina Larko and Amanda Williams talking through the Highlights of #impact Podcast Season 2 back in Winter 2018. And now we already celebrate the Season 3 Finale! Time really flies when you are having fun!
Regina Larko, Founder #impact Podcast
I am: A storyteller If I ever write a biography this would be its title: Journals of a hopeless optimist Making an impact means: To believe that every little contribution counts and to never lose sight of the big picture at the same time.
What makes you smile today?Â
Today I am celebrating the Season Finale 3 of #impact Podcast. It’s been quite the ride keeping the show going during my maternity leave and I am really proud that I somehow managed to pull it off. With much support from my amazing community, so this is really a celebration of all the people that have helped out these last few months.
Why should people care about your cause?Â
Because caring about #impact will make them feel happy. That’s a bold statement, I know, but I can’t imagine anyone listening to an episode of #impact not feeling in awe for the people and causes we feature. And maybe even feeling encouraged to make a little impact themselves. So if you are having a bad day, you should definitely listen to #impact. It might just turn your day around.Â
What do you love most about your work?
Meeting all these incredible people along the way. It’s such a humbling experience sitting down with people that made it their mission to do good. It’s the best community and everyone is so supportive. I love the people. It’s always been about the people for me.Â
What’s the hardest part about your work – and why do you still keep going?
The whole business side of things is a huge challenge. I’ve always been a storyteller, communicator, content creator. But there are all these new skills that I have to acquire as a business owner and that is so incredibly daunting. Putting a price on services I offer, negotiating with sponsors, there’s a huge learning curve for me. But I have to keep going and push myself out of my comfort zone if I want to see this grow.
Who inspires you in the impact space, anyone you want to cheer on today?Â
I look up to platforms like Green is the New Black. I am all about audio but I do love a great video as well and the GITNB video interviews are just gorgeous. I love their aesthetic as well as their programmes. It was amazing to me how they organised the Conscious Festival and how they are driving the conversation on green initiatives in the region. Kudos to Stephanie Dickson, Paula Miquelis and their awesome team. I really admire you, ladies! So keep up the amazing work!
What could everyone do right now to make this world a better place?
Just 2 words: Care more. About the people around you, the environment, the animals – you name it. Care more and show kindness. Ups…that was way more than 2 words now. It’s never just 2 words with me, is it?Â
Connect and Follow
Insta: @hashtagimpact @regina_larko FB: @hashtagimpact Website: www.hashtagimpact.com
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