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It has been one year since #impact Podcast launched on iTunes!
We are so proud of all the stories we could highlight from changemakers working in so many diverse areas, all making a huge impact, and our world a better place. You must be curious to find out what our guests have been up to since we spoke. Oh, we can tell you – A LOT! This community of change making super-heroes has not been slowing down. We are so impressed by their growing impact.

#impact Podcast turns 1 – Look at all these changemakers we got to interview over the last year!
Making it through that first year
The first year starting out is a little bit like what happens after having a child:
- Many sleepless nights,
- lots of worries and (irrational?!) fears,
- but at the same time so many joyous moments that make you feel that
- YES, it is all worth it.
- And the moment you think you have figured it all out and get into a routine,
- things suddenly change all over again. In one moment all is great and the next second hell breaks loose.
That first year is exhausting & amazing at the same time. That first year is pure magic.

Making it through that first year is pure magic.
It’s been quite the journey for #impact Podcast as well as our guests, and one of them is also celebrating the 1st birthday soon as well.
Happy Birthday to Planet Ally!
We caught up with the all-around lovely and inspiring Bess Hepworth, from Planet Ally. She is featured in one of our most popular episodes of #impact Podcast, and we could not believe when she told us that looking back on 2017 (their first year too!!) they ran events in 5 different countries and engaged activists from over 30 different countries on five continents.

Join the Planet Ally Quiz Night – Grappas Feb 26th
And another birthday!
Going global and starting new ventures.
Many of our listeners shared that our episodes featuring Redress, a Hong Kong environmental NGO committed to reducing textile waste, were their favourite.

Redress Design Award 2018 Find more information about this year’s global competition here.
It’s been a HUGE year for Redress.
We are so blown away by Redress’s commitment to intensify their impact on the fashion industry. In a year which is widely marked as a critical tipping point for consumers, designers and brands to incorporate sustainability across the fashion value chain, the 2018 cycle of their Redress Design Award, world’s largest sustainable design competition, has expanded to a truly global search for emerging talent.
Oh, how excited we are to see what collections the next generation of responsible designers will come up with!
If you are a young designer yourself – or know one – you should share these exciting updates and consider applying today. https://www.redressdesignaward.com

Who will take the Redress Design Award home this year? Photo Credit: Redress
Starting new ventures
And as if the Redress team has not already been busy enough, on top of it they also launched a Zero Waste upcycled collection The R Collective that has the audience in awe of their gorgeous designs.
The fashion industry can be so much fun, but there are dark sides to it, not only when it comes to its environmental impact.
Ending modern day slavery
The textile industry is just one of the sectors that have a sad forced labour and human trafficking record. Organisations like The Mekong Club are making impactful contributions to encourage the Private Sector to take responsibility and become an active part in ending modern day slavery.
Our interview with Matt Friedman, CEO of The Mekong Club featured in Episode 19 has touched our listener’s hearts. His ability to share his story, his vision, his encouragement with other changemakers out there resonated with all generations alike.
Globally, it is estimated that there are over 45.8 million men, women and children who are victims of modern slavery, with more than half of these being located in Asia. They can be found in factories, construction sites, fisheries and sex venues, and are forced to work for little or no pay, deprived of their freedom, and often subjected to unimaginable suffering. We can’t agree more with The Mekong Club, that businesses need to take responsibility to end modern-day slavery and we encourage corporations to join The Mekong Clubs pledge and get in touch with them at pledge@themekongclub.org.
But it is not only businesses who can have a positive impact on our world. Every person can contribute, and one way to do so is to volunteer for a cause that you feel passionate about.
Everyone can have an impact

Volunteering in Hong Kong. HandsOn Hong Kong offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities.
A lot of the organisations and individuals we have featured this last year are passionate about volunteering. And we love to see how HandsOn Hong Kong, who we joined for their celebration of International Volunteer Day has created innovative ways to make Volunteering even more accessible and fun.
Last year, they successfully launched Hong Kong’s first community service and volunteering marathon: Serve-a-thon Hong Kong. With support from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, MTR, SCMP, NGOs, corporate partners, schools and thousands of volunteers, they were able to serve more than 15,000 beneficiaries in just nine days. After last years huge success, they are gearing up for Serve-a-thon 2018, that will take place May 5th – 13th 2018. Visit www.serveathonhk.org.hk/ to learn more and join Hong Kong’s community service movement!
The million dollar question
Thinking back to her very first recording for #impact Podcast, Regina remembers the wonderful conversation Sue Toomey, Executive Director of HandsOn Hong Kong, who has been such a great supporter and adviser for #impact Podcast from Day 1. She said in our talk that the impact question is the million dollar question and it is a difficult one to answer. And we kept asking that difficult impact questions and are we thrilled to see how the organisations we feature on #impact Podcast stay accountable to their cause.
Staying accountable and making an impact

Impactful financial literacy workshops run by ENRICH. Photo Credit: ENRICH.
This was the very first external impact study of ENRICH’s work and also the very first report on financial literacy for migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong! Some key findings included 97% of participants now tracking their expenses following ENRICH’s workshops, and a 40% decrease in participants saying they would take a loan without a repayment plan. You can find out more about it on their website.
They are currently looking for one or two Events Volunteers to help organise an exciting arts event they have coming up. Interested volunteers can get in touch with them at info@enrichhk.org for more info.
Disrupting and Growing
We caught up with the Accelerate team who is working hard to close the gender gap when it comes to Women in Tech. Since I sat down with their energetic Founder Lavine Hemlani in Episode 11, when they just ran their very first workshop, they supported TEDxTinHauWomen and many other events engaging and empowering women. They also expanded their team and programmes.

Look at those smiles! Accelerate celebrating their graduates. Photo Credit: Accelerate
“Technology has the power to disrupt whole economies in the coming years and its impact on society, politics, and economics is indisputable. Unfortunately, women are not participating enough in this sector for a multitude of reasons. I think that a lot of women feel that the tech industry isn’t for them and that coding is not a job that women do. Through Accelerate and the Women in Data Science Conference, we want to highlight female leaders in this field, shape a perspective where women can see themselves in these roles, and a learning environment where they can develop these technical skills.” Kristen Carusos, Head of Growth, Accelerate.
Looking ahead. What’s hot?
If there is one topic that is uber-hot in Hong Kong right now, then it is #ZeroWaste.
The discussion has picked up with many exciting cleanup projects, Live Zero’s new Zero Waste bulk store and #impact Podcast is teaming up with Green Queen Sonalie Figueiras, who has inspired our listeners with her pioneering green journey in Episode 35 for an exciting live audio series on #ZeroWaste. We are kicking off soon! So stay tuned and follow us and Green Queen on Facebook for updates!

Zero Waste Pioneer Bea Johnson (left) speaking in Hong Kong. Photo Credit: NO!W No Waste
Green warriors!
We were so thrilled to see our #impact Podcast guest Fanny Moritz, Founder of NO!W No Waste welcoming Bea Johnson – the pioneer of the Zero Waste movement – in Hong Kong beginning of this year, bringing together all green warriors of Hong Kong. We are so happy for Fanny. In our recording, she mentioned that it was Bea’s book Zero Waste Home that inspired her to change her lifestyle and start her Zero Waste Platform. How exciting that she got to bring her role model to Hong Kong. Fanny is currently looking for an assistant and volunteers. Feel free to contact her at: career@now-nowaste.com”
These were just a few of the milestones that our amazing #impact Podcast guests achieved in this last year and we are soooo proud of each and every one of them! We are thrilled to hear what they will share when we catch up with them next time.

Get involved and make an impACT!
#impACT – Your chance to make an impact and get involved
Work with our #impact community
- NO!W No Waste is currently looking for an assistant and volunteers. Feel free to contact Fanny Moritz at: career@now-nowaste.com“
- ENRICH is currently looking for one or two events volunteers to help organise an exciting arts event they have coming up. Interested volunteers can get in touch at info@enrichhk.org for more info.
SAVE THE DATE! Events not to be missed!
Upcoming events of our #impact community
- Now OPEN! Applications for the RedressDesignAward.
- Feb 26th, 2018: Planet Ally’s Quiz Night Fundraiser in aid of our Asia-Pacific Rainbow Families Forum coinciding with World NGO Day)
- March 5th, 2018: Accelerate’s Women in Data Science Conference. Get in touch with them here.
- March 28th, 2018: More ideas worth spreading coming your way at the TEDxTinHauWomen Salon on March 24th,2018
- May 5th – 13th, 2018: Serve-a-thon 2018 Visit www.serveathonhk.org.hk/ to learn more and join Hong Kong’s community service movement
- Nov 18-19th, 2018: Human Dignity Fest coincides with the International Day for Tolerance and will be hosted at Mettā. Get in touch with the Planet Ally team for more information.
More save the dates!
Join us for a Facebook Live session here on Feb 15th at 1.30pm HK time when we celebrate the exact moment we went on air a year earlier.
Join us for the Season 2 Finale on 21st February 2018 when Regina Larko, founder or #impact Podcast is in the hot seat and shares highlights of Season 2 and learnings along the way.
This is just the beginning. Subscribe.