
The Story behind #impact

The Story behind #impact

Told in 4 Chapters.

From an arcaded courtyard in Vienna to a construction site in China and along the way, finding a voice.

Meet Regina Larko, Founder, Host and Producer of #impact Podcast.
Storyteller, Content Strategist & Audio Enthusiast.

Hi, I’m Regina. I help people to craft and tell impactful stories in an intimate and human-centred way so it truly resonates with their audience, engaging them to become part of their community. I get voices heard that deserve to get heard and I’d love to hear your voice too. If you want to hear mine, you can listen to my story .

Chapter 1 - An arcaded courtyard in Vienna

Chapter 1 – An arcaded courtyard in Vienna – LISTEN|READ HERE.

Chapter 2. Living, loving an hating a dream

Chapter 2 – Living, loving an hating a dream I never knew I had – LISTEN|READ HERE

Chapter 3 - A letter to my younger self

Chapter 3 – A letter to my younger self – LISTEN|READ HERE

Chapter 4 - The voices that matter.

Chapter 4 – The voices that matter – LISTEN|READ HEREÂ